Rescission Timeline
This page is intended to serve as a guideline to have a concept of how long you have to rescind (canceling a contract with no obligation to either party) a timeshare contract by state. This page does not constitute legal counsel and before proceeding with your case you should always get the advice of a licensed lawyer.
The right to rescind in most instances is non-waivable, meaning it must be included in the contract and it cannot be written out of the contract. It varies from state to state but it typically gives between 3-15 days for you to fully cancel the contract. In most cases the right to cancel must also be stated, highlighted, and clearly communicated in some way in the contract to comply with various state laws. Many states also require certain disclosures including the statutory right of rescission are required to be received at the time of purchase, or soon after.
Some states do not have specific timeshare statutes and instead are governed by real property, consumer protection, or even solicitation laws instead. In these instances, it is important to have an attorney who specializes in timeshare law to be able to proceed with your case.
If it is too late to rescind your contract do not despair because there are other remedies available. We here at the Abrams Firm have been working with clients like yourself attempting to get out of timeshares for over 15 years and are here for you. Feel free to give us a call at (321) 224 – 1111 for a free consultation or get started here.
Ready to get started? Fill out our quick form on our “Get Started” page.
State List
Alabama 5 days, not including Sunday after signing of the contract
Alaska 15 days after statutory disclosure documents
Arizona 10 days after execution of the purchase agreement
Arkansas 5 days after execution of contract
California 7 days after signing, or receipt of the statutory disclosure documents
Colorado 5 days after sale
Connecticut 5 days after the date of execution of the contract, or required disclosure statement
Delaware 15 days after date of execution
Florida 10 days after the execution date, or the day of receipt of statutory disclosure documents
Georgia 7 days not including holiday and Sundays after receipt of statutory documents.
Hawaii 7 calendar days after execution of the contract, or after receipt of statutory disclosure documents
Idaho 5 days after execution of the contract
Indiana 72 hours after execution of the contract
Iowa 5 Business days following the receipt of all required disclosures
Kansas 3 Business days after the signing of the contract
Kentucky 3 Business days after the signing the agreement
Louisiana 7 days from signing, or receipt of statutory disclosure documents
Maine 10 days after receipt of the contract or execution
Maryland 10 days after: the contract date or receipt of statutory disclosures
Massachusetts 3 business days after receipt of statutory disclosure documents
Michigan 9 business days after receipt of all statutory disclosure documents
Minnesota 5 days after receipt of a legible binding contract, or statutory disclosure documents
Mississippi 7 days after receipt of statutory disclosure documents or execution of the contract
Missouri 5 days after the date of agreement
Montana 7 days after receipt of statutory disclosure documents or signing the purchase agreement.
Nebraska 3 days after receipt of statutory disclosure documents
Nevada 5 days after the execution of the contract
New Hampshire 5 days to cancel a contract signing or delivery of all statutory disclosure documents
New Jersey 7 days after the execution of the contract
New Mexico 7 days after execution of the contract
New York 7 business days after signing the contract
North Carolina 5 days after execution of the contract
North Dakota
Ohio 3 days after signing the contract
Oklahoma 5 days after receipt of a legible contract
Oregon 5 days from signing of the contract
Pennsylvania 5 days after execution of the contract
Rhode Island 5 business days after execution or receipt of all statutory disclosure documents
South Carolina 5 days after the date of signing
South Dakota 7 days after execution of the contract
Tennessee 10 days after signing the contract with onsite inspection, or 15 days if no inspection
Texas 5 days after signing and receipt of the contract, or receipt of statutory disclosure documents
Utah 5 days after the signing of the agreement
Vermont 3 business days after signing of the contract (Home Solicitation)
Virginia 7 days after execution of the contract
Washington 7 days following execution of the contract
West Virginia 10 days from the date of signing, AND 10 days after receipt of public disclosure
Wisconsin 5 business days after the execution of the contract, or receiving the last of statutory documents
Wyoming 10 days after signing of the contract (Home Solicitation)